Monday, February 15, 2016

Changing of the Mind

Ok, I understand that I put a post up saying that I would be changing the site and the name. However, I have since decided that I would like to keep this site up and going. I will continue to do the biblical commentary series and I will be doing book reviews on here as well. I am going to start up another blog, this one though will mainly focus on theology (e. g. Systematic Theology). You will be able to find it at There isn't anything up there yet, I've been pretty busy with school and work. Once I can get something up, I will let you know. I will continue here as well, also when I can. Please stay tuned for more information. If you have questions, comments, or topics you would like to see discussed here or at the other blog, then please let me know. Be blessed.

C. Bohall

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

I'm Moving...With Another Name (Yeah, I know)!

Ok guys, here's the skinny. I have been using blogger for my posts lately. However, my beautiful wife who is a tech comm person gave me some tips. Basically, I am moving my website and I decided to change the name. Yes, I am still about building a community that is about learning they are capable of receiving God's grace, however, I have found that this grace is done through the renewing of our minds. As Paul has said in Romans 12:2 " transformed by the renewal of your mind."  In this portion of the chapter, Paul is telling the churches in Rome (yes, there was no single church) that they are not to be like the Roman world, but to be more like Christ; to be "...a living sacrifice." In other words, we are to be like this too. That is why I am switching the name of the website and the place of it. Anyways, once it is up I will leave you with the new web address. For now, keep reading all the posts, share them, and be blessed.

C. Bohall